Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Long Time No See...

Hello world,
It's been a long time since I last made a post.  And honestly I haven't had much time to make one either.

A lot has been going on in my little corner of the world.  Some good and well, some not as much.  The good news is I am almost completely over what my child has done to me.  It has been a long road but my healing is almost done. 

One that that has changed is, that same child, made me a grandmother.  That's right everyone...Me...a mamaw!!!!!!  That's the best news of the year.  I wasn't happy about it at first but who could not be happy with a face like this:

Her name is Rayne Sue-Marie Rue.  Yep she put my middle name on this child...can you believe it after all she has put me through.  I now have a name sake.  Although I think it is more after my mom then me, but I am taking it and running with it.

It seems to have been a long winter here.  Back and fourth with the cold and warm weather.  I miss Florida at times like this.  Can't wait to get back to the warm weather, on a boat, on the water.  Yes, my friends that is where I am the happiest...on the water.  I think I was a fish once ;)

But this year, it's going to be the lake and not the ocean....but I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

I am back now, and I am going to keep up on my blog.  I HAVE MISSED IT SO.  I have a lot to tell, past and future.  Stay tuned...