I am not exactly sure why I am going to write about my illnesses and surgeries, but for some reason it is on my mind.
I was thinking about it last night and woke this morning and there it was still on my mind.
When I was in my younger years the first accident I had that I can remember very clear was when my mom took me for a walk down the side walk to a yard sale. I was roughly 5 or 6 years old. I use to love to go around barefoot and that day was no different. As I was walking down the sidewalk, I stepped on something and I can still remember the pain shooting all the way up my leg. I dropped to the ground and mama looked at my foot but she wasn't sure what it was. She picked me up and carried me home. When we got home she looked at my foot and said it was a needle..but not to worry she got it and it was a part of a needle. When I stood up the pain was still shooting up my foot. She decided to take me to the ER and when they did an x-ray on my foot, there was two other parts of the needle left. The cut my foot open and found two rusted needles. Got three stitches and that was done.
A couple years later when I was around 8 or 9, there was a rock pile of little pebbles I use to like to play on. There was a couple of large rocks but I never worried too much about it. I would go to the top of the pile and slide down. Well my luck ran out one day and as I was coming down the pile my wrist went across a Sharp rock and it slit the pinkie side of my wrist. My hand came up and there was blood everywhere. The slab of skin was laying open and I ran home. Mom rushed me to the hospital and ended up with 5 stitches.
Around that same age, there was also a building down from our house that had an opening where the semi's would back up to unload stuff. Well this ramp would fill up with water every time it rained. My cousin and I thought it would be fun to go play in it. Well we had a heck of a good time. But that night we became very very itchy. We both broke out in hives and red rashes all over our bodies...Hello...Infantigo. We had to put purple medicine on us for a little over a week.
No other accidents until the age of 16. I was dating a guy, Chad, and just thought the world of him. Well Chad, me and my cousin became close. We hung out all the time together. Well, my cousin and Chad became a lot closer then I would have liked, but didn't find out until after the night that ruined my career. One night, this cousin got hit by a car. And when Chad came over to my house I asked him to take me to the hospital to see her. But I first wanted to stop over at her house and check on my aunt, because the girl that hit my cousin was out in front of my aunts house yelling at my aunt. Long story a little shorter, on the way over there, I don't know if Chad thought there was going to be trouble or what, but he stopped at the road that turned off to her house. Just stopped right in the middle of the road. Like he was sitting there thinking. Next thing I know he turns the corner super fast. I grab the dashboard of the truck to brace myself, but I still fell over sideways. My hands slide across the dash and over onto his lap from falling sideways. When I sat back up, the part of the hand that is between my thumb and my index finger was cut and blood was shooting out of it every time my heart would beat. I screamed bloody murder, wrapped my hand in my shirt and screamed at him to get me to my aunts house. When we get there I am covered in blood from head to toe. My aunt about fainted she said cause of all the blood. She thought I had be stabbed all over. Well we wrapped my hand in a towel and my aunt called the cops. Because come to find out I was stabbed. Chad had gotten a knife out when he stopped in the road. Had it between his legs sticking up. When I fell over my hand landed right on top of the knife. At the hospital I was in the next room where my cousin was laying. The reason I say it ruined my career, was because I had been talking to a woman and she had offered me an internship when I became a senior in Fashion Designing. She had seen my drawings and was really impressed. But, I haven't been able to draw since. When it happened, it went in through the thumb and index finger and straight down through my hand...like slicing it in half. It cut all the ligaments in my hand and when it healed, still to this day I can not move my thumb all the way backwards, like before. Anyway, it went to a lawyer and I got a nice lump sum of money that I got when I turned 18, but I never got to spend it...my sister such had a nice time with it though!
Had a gallbladder attack and had to have my gallbladder removed, but not before my pancreas returned to normal size, a week later.
When I was married the first time I was in and out of the hospital all the time when I was pregnant. Pains in my stomach. Come to find out when they cut me open due to an emergency C-section, I had a large cyst on my ovaries, so after I had her, they kept me in the operating room for 2 hours afterwards to remove the cyst.
Second C-section, I was cut open while not fully numb. The pain became so unbearable that I threw up everywhere on the operating table. They finally knocked me out.
Hospitalized for Migraines, while pregnant with my daughter.
After I had my daughter, and released from the hospital, I had to return back to the ER because I was having HORRIBLE headaches because the spinal fluid was leaking out of my spine from where they did my spinal tap. They injected a huge needle into my spine and drew out fluid and shot it back in where it was leaking....Headaches instantly gone.
Another C-Section and a couple months after that a Tube ligation.
The last time I was in the hospital with anything seriously wrong was when my left breast swelled up to the size of a small watermelon. No joke. It was so painful, I think it was the most painful thing I had ever had to go through. The ER cut it open right there on the table and the most nastiest stuff went everywhere. Long story short, 3 lumpectomies later it never returned. Over the course of a year it came back 3 times.
PreDiabetic but lost weight and it took care of itself. And I believe that is it. Again not sure why it was important for me to write this but my mind wouldn't leave me alone until I did. Any questions..just ask!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Don't Know Why This Matters...
Posted by Empty Time Bomb at 11:05 AM
Labels: illnesses, injuries, operations
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