Tonight a girl I use to go to school with posted a link to this article...

She then asked if someone would read it and help explain it to her in Kindergarten terms. I had seen that nobody had answered her. So I went and read it, and I must say it was an interesting article. I even learned a few things myself. And I would suggest it to anyone that is curious.
I wont go into our conversation but this lady is terrified of death. Which told me right away that she is not saved yet. I helped her as much as I could, and I hope I did help her in finding what she was looking for. One of the things she did want my opinion on was did I think 2012 was going to happen.
This is a hard subject for me to explain but I am going to try. I don't know if I am right and I am not claiming to but here goes.
I have said before, that I don't believe anything will happen as far as the world ending on Dec. 21, 2012. Not Dec 21, 2012 anyways. Could the world end next year....yes. It could also end tomorrow. Something may happen on Dec. 21, yes it could because the planets lining up is a fact. They will, and it has never been seen before. So it very well could have some impact..but it might not either.
What I explained to her was that if she was saved, she would no longer worry what is going to happen next. She just had to focus on the here and now. And God and Jesus are here and now. I told her the same thing I am going to tell everyone else out there that might read this cause they are wanting to be saved. If you are one of those people that want facts, that need cold hard evidence, you may not ever find what you are looking for...specially if you don't know what to look for. God is not going to appear before you and say, I AM. He is in our hearts, in our every day life, He is that voice that tells you all will be fine, He is the arms that wrap around you when you need comforting. He is in EVERYTHING...that's where she should start looking for the facts.
I will leave you with this...
Clothing yourself in the Lord, happens one sock at a time. And by asking questions, is how you become fully clothed. And when you are, that's when you can take that leap of faith. It's like jumping off a cliff and it is very scary, but once it does happen you will be clean and it is a fresh start, and you wont fear what is coming next or death.
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