Sunday, May 22, 2011

Just My Two Cents About 5/21/11

Here is it Sunday May 22, 2011 and I am here to write to you all and give you my opinion of what Mr. Harold Camping did to the world by saying it would end yesterday.

Many of the things I am seeing on Facebook is, "I was left behind" in a joking manner, "Nobody knows when and time it will end." And so on and so on.  I even seen this picture.

I have seen this picture several times today, and people that have posted it seems to be right with God.

Here is my view on it.  Some of you may agree with it, and others my send me hate mail every day of my life but here it goes.

Mr. Camping, believed whole hearted that his prediction was true.  He believed it so much that he sent his church out into the world, the last days that they knew of, and handed out leaflets and preached and posted billboards telling everyone to prepare themselves.  To find God before it is too late.  The rapture would happen and they didn't want to be left behind.

Well, where I am from, where is this wrong.  I didn't fall into the beliefs of this man, but I did, as a Christian, see where he was coming from.  He believed in his faith so much that he put himself out there for the world to poke fun of, to hate on and to laughed at so.  He knew that the consciences of his action could land him in a world of criticism, yet again for failing to predict the worlds end.

When 6:01 p.m. came around, and nothing happened that we know of, imagine how Mr. Camping felt.  Was he upset knowing that he was wrong...or was he glad.  Mr. Camping must have felt the turning in his stomach that he was wrong and would be seen as a fool in worlds eyes, but then glad that he was wrong, and still with his children and family.  But yet, even though there was a fear of his that he was wrong again...he continued to stand up for his faith and what he believed in.  REMEMBER:  Jesus was crusified for standing up for what he believed in.

And honestly where was he wrong.  Yes wrong in knowing when and time it will happen, but what harm did he do?  Did he bring people into the Lord?  I would say more then likely someone was saved during all that...and is that not worth it.  Did he get someone to pick up their Bible for the first time and start to read it? I would say probably so.  Did he put fear into people's hearts?  Yes, of that I am sure.  But isn't this stuff a true Christian is suppose to do.  Teach, lead, help, and help people find what they have been missing.

I do know that even though I didn't believe the rapture or end of the world would happen, I did do something yesterday that I have never done before.  I sat my family down and asked them to pray with me.  Isn't it to be better to scare people to help them get right with God, then to sit by and do nothing?  I read my Bible and I know the chain of events to come just as everyone else that has read it.  And if you have read it, then more then likely you were not scared.  But I had two children that have never read it before.  Only have they had it read to them.  I wanted to make sure that they were ok, and see if they had any questions. So yes, I took into consideration that Mr. Camping could be right, and I wanted to prepare my family, just in case.  One of these days someone is going to be right...think about that.  Every day someone is predicting it is the last day...soon, one will be right.

I have a 14 year old daughter that would stand up and leave the room anytime the end of the world was talked about.  It would scare her so bad sometimes she would end up in tears.  Let me tell you about Madison's story.

Since this talk has come about, and it was all she was hearing, she decided to talk to her teacher at Wednesday night church.  They sat her down and explain some things to her.  That night, my daughter came home with a huge smile on her face.  When I asked her what she was smiling for, her reply was "Mama, I believe I was Saved tonight."  My heart lite up.  I sat her down and talked to her about how she felt and what was going on inside her mind and heart.  We talked about this for a little while and I have come to the faith that she has been saved.  I was hoping and praying that she had been.  I can't say for sure if she was or not, it's not my is hers and only she and the Good Lord know for sure.

But what I do know, is that, that same little 14 year old girl that ran out of the room every time the world's end was mentioned, sat down yesterday when the world was suppose to end, and read the entire book of Revelations.  A child that was so scared of seeing the world end, sat down and read what would happen when it does end.

So, I just let people say what they want.  I say that the Bible has told me to never call anyone a Fool.  So, Mr. Camping, I don't believe you are a fool.  Thank you for taking that leap and actually leading some people to God.  No, you shouldn't have put a date and time stamp on it, but I wont criticize you.  And I witnessed miracles during this time, and for that...thank you.  And to those fellow Christians out there, I only have one thing to say to you. 
"Judge not, that ye be not judged.  For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again." Mark 7:1-2