Friday, March 4, 2011

What is OK to post on the Internet

I was on Facebook tonight and a friend sent me a message and asked me to report this:

First, I was scared to even click on cause I thought it was a virus.  Has anyone else noticed the virus' are running a muck on FB right now.  Geez.  Anyway, I decided to click on it. 

When I opened it I couldn't believe what I was reading.  Now, I am all for people posting their views on things, and posting how they feel, blah blah blah. But this...This was a view that I could not take.  If you do click on the link above...***PLEASE BE WARNED IT IS EXTREMELY GRAPHIC.***

It got me thinking that, people are just not scared to post what they want anymore.  What ever happened to self control.  What happened to morals and what on Earth has happened to the human population.  Everyday I am reminded why I keep myself from people.  There are some really sick people out there and I am scared of coming across one face to face.

People, please be careful what you post out there.  And if you are going to post something like that above, make sure you are going to make your profile public so all can see.  Just imagine if a child stumbled across that.  Lord, it terrifies me to think that a person like that can friend my teenagers.  Which brings me to another point...

Don't accept people on your friends list that you DO NOT KNOW!!!!  You don't know who is out there lurking.  If your profile is not on public view, once you accept this stranger....they can find out anything they want to know, and the next thing you know...You are being made into a poem, like that above.
Be safe!