Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Through The Years

I was sitting here going through some old pictures, because a friend of mine wanted to see some old photos.  It got me looking through them and remembering some of the good times.  While scanning through these pictures I found some of me growing up and I thought I would share with you.  Only a few people read this, if any, so I figure it was safe to post them here without too much

OK on with it then.

This was my very first picture taken professionally.  I was 3 months old in this picture and in my opinion...the cutest I have ever

Do you see that mom use to style it like a cupie doll I had.  I have seen the pictures, and well...I looked just like the doll.  8 months old.

This is me at one year old with one of my most favorite people in the world..My grandpa. 

A year and 10 months old here.  This picture is stuck forever to a piece of glass.  Ok I think I was pretty cute here too.

Here, I am the ripe old age of 5.  Funny story with this picture, besides the clothes...don't get me started on that.  It was the morning of pictures.  I wasn't in school yet, but my older sister was.  Back then you could take your other kids in on picture day to get theirs done too.  Well Mama thought it would be great fun to dress me up and get mine done too.  Only, this very same morning, I got up all sleepy, and tripped I guess over air, and hit the side of my face on the coffee table.  It swelled up like you wouldn't believe and turned yellow black and blue.  You can see it on my left side.  Instead of calling off the picture, mama still had to get it

Yep made it to kindergarten safely.  Age 6.  My hair use to be really long.  I didn't get it cut until my 3rd grade year.  It use to hand down over my bottom. 

This is my husband's all time favorite.  I was in fourth grade..age 9 I believe.  This was our second week of school.  I got transfered from my nice teacher into the wicked witch of the 4th grades class cause the nice teacher had too many kids...only 3 kids got transfered and I was one of the lucky ones.  But I was so nervious.  I was biting my

Beginning of my fifth grade year before we moved to Laura.  10 years old and my freckles popped out with them big teeth...Lordy!

6th grade, hated my new school, hated the people, hated the way I looked, hated the town, hated the teachers and so on and so on!  Age 12

I am not sure what I was thinking here.  What is with that square hair.  I thought I was looking good that morning and even my sister told me I did...why didn't I learn not to listen to her back then!  My junior year and my very last year of high school.

Me now, well, this was about 4 years ago, of coursed lightened so you don't see all my flaws. 

Enjoy the laughs and get it out of your systems...I wont be doing this  In my eyes I don't see that I have changed a bit, I still look like the big toothed, freckle faced kid I was back then.