Sunday, February 27, 2011

Our New Pests

I am a nice person, and I am very easy to get along with.  But I have been pushed beyond lines I may not be able to return.  I have always seen myself as a person that don't judge too much and I never look down on people that have less then I. 

With that being said, I must talk about my new neighbors.  These are a different kind of people that I would have never thought to be out there.  When people make fun of people from Georgia, I always blew it off.  I have hung with people from Georiga, I have talked with them and I will be the first to tell you that, all the jokes, are a sterotype...thats all.  Even with my new neighbors I will still stick to my words, and will not judge all Georgia people on these neighbors behalf.  But...

Since the day these people have moved in, we have had nothing but trouble and it seems the longer they are here, the more we learn.  Even though, I don't wanna know ANY MORE!

The very first day they were here, I told you before, they asked me for my internet password so they could connect to the internet.  Mind you, they didn't ask if they could...they just said, "Let me have your internet password."  They have since, borrowed cigarettes, tools and my kids.  They Karaoke everyday.  I don't mind Karaoke...infact I love it.  And even if people can't sing, I enjoy to watch it.  As long as that same bad singer isn't up at the mic for 5 hours at a time.  Yes, 5 hours a day this 22 year old is on the mic.  Now, to get away from the noise I have to close my windows in this nice weather of 72 degrees.  This still does not drown out the sound, unless he closes his windows too.  We are down in a valley and all us neighbors are spread out but close.  We were coming down our driveway, that connects all the homes and the neighbor at the front of the driveways stopped us and asked us how we deal with all the noise coming from the new people.  THEY HEAR IT UP THERE!

Timmy, is what they call the boy...but again I refuse to call a grown man anything that ends with a y...So Tim comes over last night and sits outside to talk to my husband.  He just breaks loose and tells my husband everything.  Everything that we should know and enough to keep our kids away from him from now on.  He told my husband how he smokes weed on a daily basis from a pipe, told my husband that he wanted to buy some of his pain pills, and that he knew what they were as soon as he say my husband take one.  My husband not thinking that anyone would think anything of it.  Then his uncle Tom"my" comes over and starts talking about all the stuff we have.  Said my husband has every tool a man could want, wanted to know how expensive our TV was, how many pills does my husband take and does he have extra, on and on and on.

Then today they come over while we are outside and they just come over...and stand.  Stand watching us.  Then walks to our back yard and starts looking around.  I don't know how to handle this.  My husband gave Tom a haircut the other day, and then when My husband refused to cut his beard, he took offense to it, and went home and told his nephew Tim that Rob was being rude to him.  Now mind you again, this man don't look like he has bathed in a month.  His hair was really really nasty and Rob just could take it anymore to do his beard too.

Now we have been friendly, and just down right nice.  And now I am afraid of only after a week they have taken it for a weakness.  I now have to do something that I am not comfortable doing...being a mean person. 



Brandie said...

To be blunt, they are wanting to steel Rob's tools for drug money. They are getting in nice with you so when something comes up missing you won't suspect them of anything cause they are "your friends". Put up a No Trespassing sign ASAP! And stick to your guns. All you have to do is ask them to leave ONCE and after that they are trespassing and they go to jail. Now yes, this can cause bad blood between the two but you do what you think is best. I understand cause i have bad neighbors too. And they don't even care that my husband is a cop.

Empty Time Bomb said...

The other day, I went in my daughter's room to get her to go out and look at the SuperMoon. When I opened her door, I was shocked at the site of two heads looking into her window. Lord gave me some temper control that night cause I tell you, if He hadn't, your husband would have been at my house that night.

They have since backed way off. Now the only thing that still gives me goose bumps is they Karaokee at all hours of the day or night and even with my windows shut its THUMP THUMP THUMP. Hopefully I wont have to put up with it much longer ;)

Brandie said...

if they are karaokeeing after 10pm you can call the cops. We have a noise ordinance here in GA.